Our Uniform
Pupils are expected to wear the Harris Primary Academy Crystal Palace uniform at all times of the day and on the way to and from school.
We believe that uniform, apart from being practical, helps the children develop a sense of identity with the school while at the same time creating an image that we can all be proud of.
Our uniform provider is Stevensons. Click here for their website and click here for their price list.
We do have a selection of pre-loved uniform in the academy for those parents that need it. This is located in our 'Community Hub' which is suited to the left of the Main Gate.
- A Harris Primary Academy Jumper
- White polo shirt
- Black Joggers/skirt/dress/shorts
- Black shoes (Please note it is not acceptable for children to come to school in trainers or coloured shoes)
- A Harris Primary Academy Jumper
- White polo shirt
- Grey Trousers/skirt/dress/shorts
- Black shoes (Please note it is not acceptable for children to come to school in trainers or coloured shoes)
Years 1 to 6
- A Harris Primary Academy Jumper /Cardigan with embroidered badge
- White long or short sleeved shirt
- Grey / black trousers / skirt / dress / shorts
- School Tie (blue & silver for Years 1-5 / blue & gold for Year 6)
- Black shoes (Please note it is not acceptable for children to come to school in trainers or coloured shoes)
In Summer
In the Summer school dresses can be worn:
- Blue striped / checked gingham dress
- School jumper / cardigan with Harris embroidered badge
Our PE Kit is:
- A Plain Blue T-shirt
- Blue shorts
- Suitable PE footwear (trainers or plimsolls)
- PE bag*
Please note:
- Children may wear our 'old style' uniform until it needs to be replaced
- Parents are asked to ensure their children are properly equipped for PE and that kits are available throughout the week
- The wearing of jewellery is not allowed. If a child has pierced ears, studs only may be worn
- Any headscarves or hijabs worn should be black, blue or white
Every article of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Although there are procedures for dealing with lost property and for safeguarding children’s belongings, the school cannot accept any liability or responsibility for the loss or damage of any individual item belonging to a child.