Pupil Premium
At Harris Primary Academy Crystal Palace we are committed to promoting the progress and attainment of all our pupils, whatever their backgrounds. We commit to the Harris Federation’s equality and diversity statement which can be seen here:
The Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium is part of our overall budget that we receive annually. We are required to account specifically about how we use this fund. It is allocated based on the number of children meeting a national criteria based on the Ever 6 Measure. That includes the total number of:
- Pupils eligible for free school meals – within the last 6 years
- Children looked after
- Service children
Allocation of Pupil Premium
• We have a dedicated team of support staff who work across the school to ensure access to the curriculum by the provision of interventions in reading, writing and mathematics for children who are not making expected progress or reaching national levels of attainment;
• We have a family worker and inclusion manager who work with the support staff to enable us to meet the social and emotional needs of children who may be falling behind because of friendship, social or emotional barriers to learning;
• We have a high adult:child ratio in our Early Years classes to ensure that children can be taught in small groups and this helps us to address needs around communication and language from early on in a child's school career;
• We have a tracking system which enables us to track the progress and attainment of children in Reading, Writing and Mathematics on a half termly basis. This is analysed to ensure that all children, whatever their backgrounds are able to access the curriculum and are making good or outstanding progress in their learning;
• Our literacy based curriculum is resourced to ensure that all children have access to quality texts and books throughout their school career. Our well stocked school library supports this
• We provide after school clubs, trips and visitors to enrich the curriculum and make sure that all children have additional learning experiences outside the normal school day.
To read about our pupil premium spend, and our sports grant spend, please click the document below.