Year 3
YEAR 3 - Autumn 1
Homework: Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings which will be sent home on a Monday. The spelling test will then be on the Friday. They will also have a times table worksheet. This will be collected the following Friday. We also ask that children are reading at home everyday and that parents are recording this on their Read the Rainbow bookmarks. |
PE : In year 3, the PE day is a Tuesday and Thursday for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. It is important that they have their PE kit in school every day in case of any changes. |
Trips: This half term we will be going on a trip to Dulwich Picture Gallery, this ties into our art curriculum. |
Key Times : For Year 3 the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30.
What are we learning?
English In Literacy, we will begin by reading “Ug- Boy Genius of the Stone age World”. Ug is a funny an touching story about one boy’s refusal to accept the limits of his stone age world. |
Maths In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value, before moving onto Addition and Subtraction. |
Science In science our focus will be on forces and magnets. We will start by look at what a force is before moving onto magnetic materials and the different types of forces. |
History In History we will be looking at the different eras of the Stone Age. |
Geography We will be looking at maps, starting with looking at maps of our local area before moving onto European and world maps. |
RE In RE, we will be looking at Hinduism, specifically their belief in Brahman. |
Art In Art, we will be learning about drawing, with a focus on engraving and pattern. Our key artist is Gustav Klimpt. |
Computing Online Safety will be our focus for computing, considering how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and recognising responsible and irresponsible behaviour. |
Mandarin |
PSHE In PSHE, we will be thinking about families and relationships. |
PE In PE, we will be learning netball skills. |
Music For our music lessons, we will be looking at musical patterns and creating our own pieces. |
DT In DT, we will be doing food technology where will be creating a salad recipe. |