Year 4
Year 4 - Autumn 1
Key Times
Homework |
Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings which will be sent home on a Friday. The spelling test will then be the following Friday. In addition to this, children are expected to read and complete their Read the Rainbow bookmark and log in to Times Table Rockstars to complete Times Table practise daily. |
PE |
In year 4, the PE days are Monday and Wednesday for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. |
Trips |
This half term we will be taking a trip to Penge library. |
Key Times |
For Year 4, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. Please ensure your child is on time as we complete morning revision each day. |
What are we learning?
English |
In English, we will be reading ‘The Iron Woman”. This is the sequel to the Iron Man which was read in Year 3. We will be using this text to write a narrative, a newspaper report and an information text. |
Maths |
In maths, we will be focusing on place value and calculation. Pupils will further their understanding of the value of numbers. Also, students will learn about addition and subtraction. |
Science |
In science, we are focusing on animals including humans. In this topic, we will look teeth, digestion, healthy eating and food chains. |
Geography |
Tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanoes will be the subject of our geographical learning for the autumn term. We will be using maps to locate countries and describe their features as well as looking at the physical and human geography of earthquake prone areas. |
History |
In history, we will be moving on chronologically from Year 3 to explore the Ancient Greek civilization. We will be delving into myths and legends, using artefacts to investigate what life was like in Ancient Greece and digging into archeological sites to understand the importance of religious and political practices. We focus particularly on the legacy of the Ancient Greeks in autumn 2. |
RE |
In autumn 1 we look at the core teachings of Buddhism, including ideas around suffering and the five moral precepts. |
Computing |
In computing, we will be learning about computing systems and networks. |
Art |
In art, we will be learning about drawing, with a focus on Leonardo Da Vinci. We focus on the visual element of tone, using a range of sketching techniques to indicate light and dark allowing objects to appear 3 dimensional. |
Mandarin |
In Mandarin, we will be learning about food and drink. |
In PSHE we will be learning about relationships. |
PE |
In PE we will be expanding our knowledge of netball and working on our passing skills. |
Music |
DT |
In DT we will be looking at how to make an effective biscuit box. |