Year 1
Spring 2
Welcome to Year 1:
Daffodil Class and Tulip class
Key Times
Homework |
Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings which will be sent home on a Friday. The spelling test will then be the following Friday. Pupils will have to bring back their homework folders and reading books every Wednesday. |
PE |
In year 1, the PE day is a Tuesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. |
Trips |
This half term we have booked a Freshwater theatre workshop in school on Monday 17th March. |
Key Times |
For Year 1, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. Please ensure your child is on time as we start phonics lesson at 8.50am. |
What are we learning?
English |
In English, we will be reading ‘Emperor’s Egg’, Bob the man on the Moon’, and ‘Aida Twist, scientists. From this we will be writing Information text, retell and instructions writing. |
Maths |
In maths, we will be focusing on Place Value within 50, Length & Height, Mass & volume. Pupils will learn to make number bonds to 20, subtract 1 using number bonds, count from 20 to 50, Partitioning into tens & ones. Compare, measure length using objects and centimetres. Measure, compare mass. Look at full and empty, compare volume. |
Science |
In science, we are focusing on Animal. Pupils will learn to: • Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. • Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. • Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including pets) |
Geography |
In Geography, will be focusing on UK weather. Pupils will learn to:
History |
Our topic this half term is ‘How have toys and games changed’ 2? The children will learn about changes within living memory revealing aspects of social change in national life.
RE |
In RE this half term, we will be learning Why was Jesus welcomed like a king by the crowds on Palm Sunday? Pupils will learn to:
Computing |
This half term the children our topic will be about Data and Grouping. Pupils will learn to:
Art |
In art, pupils will be introduced to printing.
Mandarin |
In Mandarin, the topic this half term is establishment. The children will learn how to say hello, goodbye in Mandarin. |
In PSHE we will be learning about Living in the wider world. Pupils will develop their understanding in:
PE |
In Spring 1 children will be learning Tag Rugby Pupils should be taught to:
Music |
Our topic this half term is High and Lows. Pupils will be learning to: • play tuned and untuned instruments musically • listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music • experiment with, create, select, and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
DT |
In DT we will continue our topic, Fruit Salad. Pupils will be taught to: