Year 6
Spring 2
Welcome to Year 6:
Filaree and Calathea Class
Key Times
Homework Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings which will be sent home on a Monday. The spelling test will then be on Friday. Pupils will have received CGP SATs practice books to complete for homework. Reading comprehension is due on a Friday, Maths is due on a Wednesday. All dates and page details are on the inside cover of the book. |
PE In year 6, the PE day is a Monday and Wednesday for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. |
Trips This half term we are going to be partaking in an online workshop with The Natural History Musuem before going there early next term. This trip will give a chance for the children to participate in an immersive workshop around their Science topic of Evolution and Natural Selection. |
Key Times For Year 6, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. Please ensure your child is on time as we complete morning revision each day. All afternoon boosters will run until 4:30pm, morning boosters will begin at 8.00am and you will be regularly updated via email about these.
What are we learning?
English In English, we will be reading The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas. This immersive tale will transport the children back to World War II as well as exploring the theme of friendship. The children will use it as the basis for writing a newspaper article, a diary entry and an Information text. |
Maths In maths, we will be focusing on equations and shape. We will also have daily arithmetic practice to revise skills taught in previous year groups as well as a daily maths blast allowing children to become more familiar with SATs style questions.
Science Living things and their Habitats will be our main focus in science, thinking about classification, kingdoms and taxonomy..
History In History, we will be continuing our learning about World War 2, looking now at the ways in which in changed life in Britain such as the welfare state and Windrush.
Geography We will be focusing on migration in geography as we examine what causes people to move from place to place and which factors influence these decisions.
RE In RE, we will be exploring Christianity and how strong of a religion it is 2000 years after Jesus. |
Art In Art, we will be learning about printing, with a focus on shape and space. Our key artist will be Shamzia Hassani.
Computing We will be learning about quizzing.
Mandarin In Mandarin, we will be consolidating our knowledge from the previous years and understanding sentence structures.
PSHE In PSHE, we will be thinking about how we can be more media savvy. |
PE In PE, we will be learning the skills for Tag rugby |
Music For our music lessons, we will be studying music technology including looping and layering. |
DT In DT, we will be designing and making storage belts using textiles. |