Year 6
YEAR 6 - Autumn 1
The Year 6 team consists of Miss Cummins and Mrs Utting (Filaree Class), Mr Abiloye (Calathea Class), Miss Fenton and Mr Ford.
Homework: Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings which will be sent home on a Monday. The spelling test will then be on the Friday. Pupils will receive CGP SATs practice books to complete for homework later in the term. All return dates and page details will be on the inside cover of the book. More information to follow. |
PE : In year 6, the PE day is a Monday for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. It is important that they have their PE kit in school every day in case of any changes. |
Trips: This half term we are going on a local walk around Crystal Palace and Penge, to learn about how our local area has changed over time. This will link to our Geography curriculum. |
Key Times : For Year 6, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. Please ensure your child is on time as we complete morning revision each day. All boosters (which will start later in the term) will run until 4:30 and you will be regularly updated via email about these.
What are we learning?
English In Literacy, we will begin by reading “Stormbreaker”. Stormbreaker is an explosive, thrilling and action-packed story that will keep you on the edge of your seat! We will be using the text as a basis for creating narratives and persuasive writing. |
Maths In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction. We will also have daily arithmetic practice to revise skills taught in previous year groups. |
Science Electricity will be our main focus in science, thinking about how a circuit and its components work, how torches work and investigating the impact of adding or removing a component to a circuit. |
History In History, we will be learning about the Victorians, thinking particularly about life for Victorian children and the differences between the rich and the poor. |
Geography We will be comparing different areas in geography thinking about London and Osmington in Dorset. We will also be looking at physical and human features of an area. |
RE In RE, we will be exploring how Buddhists live by Buddha’s teachings. |
Art In Art, we will be learning about drawing, with a focus on the different uses of line within drawing including to create texture and tone. |
Computing Online Safety will be our focus for computing, considering how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and recognising responsible and irresponsible behaviour. |
Mandarin In Mandarin, we will be consolidating our knowledge from the previous years and understanding sentence structures. |
PSHE In PSHE, we will be thinking about families and relationships. We will also have a focus on wellbeing. |
PE In PE, we will be learning netball skills. |
Music For our music lessons, we will be studying the famous piece of music, Pachelbel’s Canon. We will be analysing the original piece, before building up to composing our own version. |
DT In DT, we will be doing food technology where will be designing and baking our own bread. |