Year 2
Autumn 2
Welcome to Year 2:
Sunflower and Foxglove class
Key Times
Homework |
Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings, practise their times tables, practise their joined-up handwriting and read to an adult for 10 minutes each night. |
PE |
This half term, the PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will change in school. Please ensure all items are fully labelled with your child’s name. |
Trips |
We are planning a visit to the Tower of London |
Key Times |
For Year 2, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. |
What are we learning?
English |
In English, we are innovating a narrative based on ‘There is no Dragon in this story’, and we are writing instructions based on ‘The Runaway Wok’. Later on in the term, we will be writing an information text inspired by Chinese New Year. |
Maths |
In maths, we will be focusing on money and multiplication and division. |
Science |
In science, we are building on our knowledge of materials and their properties from the autumn term. |
Geography |
This half term, we are learning about physical features of mountains, coastlines and rivers. |
History |
Following on from the Stuarts, we are learning about the Great Fire of London. |
RE |
In RE this term, we will be focusing on Islam. |
Computing |
In computing, the children will be practising using Robot Algorithms. The children will demonstrate their learning using Bee Bots. |
Art |
In art, we will be learning about painting and be inspired by our focus artist, Georgia O’Keeffe. We shall be using our knowledge of colour, shape and texture to create paint strokes to create compositions using enlarged images. Pupils will comment on, and evaluate, their own painting as well as comparing them to the work of the focus artist.
Mandarin |
In Mandarin, we will be continuing to recognise and draw Chinese characters. |
In PSHE we will are learning about racism, discrimination and equality. Further, we are learning about the motivation for setting up the Notting Hill Carnival. |
PE |
In PE, the children will be developing our understanding of travelling in gymnastics and developing our ability to move to music. |
Music |
In music, we are appreciating minimalist music and continuing to learn beats and rhythms. |