Year 2
Year 2 - Autumn 1
Key Times
Homework |
Each week, children are expected to learn their spellings, practise their times tables, practise their joined-up handwriting and read to an adult for 10 minutes each night. |
PE |
In year 2, the PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will change in school. Please ensure all items are fully labelled with your child’s name. |
Trips |
We are planning on doing a local walk around Penge to spot changes to plants during Autumn. |
Key Times |
For Year 2, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. |
What are we learning?
English |
In English, we are reading and then retelling ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson, before writing diary entries based on ‘Ravi’s Roar’ by Tom Percival. |
Maths |
In maths, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction. |
Science |
In science, we are learning about materials and their properties. |
Geography |
This half term we are learning about different continents including Africa, South America and Antarctica. |
History |
Following on from the Tudors, we are learning about King Henry VIII and his life. |
RE |
In RE this half term, we will be focusing on the basic principles of Buddhism. |
Computing |
Online safety is the focus for computing. We are learning how to log in and out of programmes safely, how to create avatars, how to keep our work safe on the internet. |
Art |
In art, we will be learning about drawing. Our focus artist will be Olga Gamynina. We will be learning different mark making techniques in an attempt to create drawings of animals in the style of this artist. |
Mandarin |
In Mandarin, we will be learning to recognise and draw some Chinese characters. |
In PSHE we will be learning about respecting ourselves and others. Wellbeing will remain a focal point of our learning. |
PE |
In PE, the children will be practising their throwing and catching skills. |
Music |
In music, we are continuing to learn beats and rhythms. We will learn the names for some musical beats and compose and compare graphical scores and identify musical pieces most appropriate to accompany stories. |