EYFS - Autumn term
Communication and Language
To able to sit and listen attentively and show an interest in what they have heard by beginning to make comments and ask questions.
To be able to understand what makes a good listener and speaker.
To be able to communicate immediate needs and wants.
To be able to speak in simple sentences mainly using the correct tenses.
- To explore same and different.
- To match objects.
- To sort objects.
- To compare amounts.
- To compare size, mass, and capacity.
- To recognize and create simple patterns.
Expressive Arts and Design
- To be able to draw lines and shapes that represent objects and people.
- be able to recognise the three primary colours and experiment with mixing them.
- To be able to explore beat, rhythm and pattern using musical instruments and body parts.
- To be able to talk about design choices they have made.
- To be able to select and combine, different materials. For example, collage, playdough and junk modelling.
Physical Development
- To be able to show an awareness of the space in the provision.
- To be able to practise and refine moving with confidence, making changes to body shape, position and pace of movement for example-running, skipping, crawling, sliding, hopping.
- To be able to catch and throw objects of different size and material e.g. balls, scarves, bean bags.
- To be able to confidently use climbing and balancing apparatus in the setting.
Understanding the World
- To be able to talk about their school, home and local community.
- To be able to talk about and celebrate their own home culture and heritage.
- To be able to comment and make observations on the natural world around them.
- To understand the importance of looking after living things and the natural environment.
- To be able to use their senses to explore and comment on natural processes, including seasons and changing states of matter.
- To be able to talk about aspects of life in this country.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- To be able to talk about their own feelings and be able to separate successfully from their main carer.
- To be able to listen to an adult and follow simple instructions.
- To be able to know and follow class and school rules.
- To be able to explore activities and try new experiences.
- To be able to go to the toilet and wash hands independently.
- To be able to show friendly behaviour to peers and adults in a range of ways. To be able to share and take turns.
To be able to recall key events and principal characters from familiar stories, rhymes and poems.
To be able to blend words using magnetic whiteboards and orally blend using Fred talk.
To be able to read 26 set 1 sounds speedily.
To be able to read words from 1.1-1.4.
To be able to write words, labels, captions and phrases using some correct letters.
To be able to form recognisable letters some correctly formed.