Spring 2
Welcome to Reception!
Daisy and Bluebell class
What are we learning this term?
Communication and Language |
Physical Development |
To be able to listen to others and respond by making relevant comments and answer questions about what they have heard. To be able to contribute to small group and whole class discussions offering prompts and cues during conversations. To be able to speak in complete sentences keeping conversations going by remaining on topic. To be able to use extended sentences and begin to add new vocabulary. To be able to use extended sentences and begin to add new vocabulary.
To be able to use small tools with greater proficiency. e.g. cutlery, pencils, scissors. To be able to experiment with different ways of moving, testing out ideas and adapting movements sometimes combining movements together in a sequence. To be able to develop and refine a range of ball skills including kicking, batting, passing and aiming. To be able to jump off an object and land safely.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development |
Literacy |
To be able to recognise a wide range of emotions through body language, expressions and tone of voice. To understand why we have class rules. To be able to spend an extended period of time accessing chosen areas independently. To understand the need for healthy lifestyle choices. To be able to initiate play with peers and take into account the views and opinions of others.
Our core texts this half term are: - The most exciting Eid -Martha maps it out - Firefighters - Little Red To be able to recall stories, rhymes and poems with increasing detail including main story setting, characters and key events. To be able to recognise features of non-fiction texts eg contents, captions and index page. To be able to write simple sentences that are phonetically plausible, sometimes using full stops and capital letters. |
Mathematics |
Understanding the World |
To be able to draw simple comparisons between their own culture and heritage and those of others. To be able to talk about aspects of life in other countries. To be able to ask why and how questions on what they observe in the natural world around them e.g. ice melting, cooking, floating/sinking, magnetism. To be able to know that information can be retrieved from digital devices and the internet. To be able to make simple comparisons between old and new. To be able to identify key features of their local community including transport links and significant landmarks
Expressive Arts and Design |
To be able to recognise and mix secondary colours including tonal variations. Look at artist Kandinsky. To be able to design for a purpose and explain their process. To be able to adapt well known narratives, stories and songs. To be able print on to a range of materials e.g. newspaper, coloured paper, fabric using different manmade and natural objects. To be able to join and combine materials together to achieve a desired effect for example transient art, collage. To be able to copy and continue a simple beat/rhythm/ pattern using musical instruments and body parts.
To know set 1 special friends and read words containing them. To be able to read alien words containing 3/4 sounds. To be able to read words from 1.5-1.7.